Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Danny for President

We went to a very small Catholic school. I had 6 people in my grade. My best friend was the only other girl in my grade, Kristin. There were 9 grades in the school, K thru 8. After 8th grade you either went to Owattona or Blooming Prairie. 9 grades with an average of 6 people meant around 54 people.

Each year Lytomysl, the school we went to, held an election for president. The eighth graders were the only ones that got to run for election. Danny, my older brother, decided to run for president his eighth grade year.

His platform was that he was going to switch the water in the drinking fountain to soda. Not suprisingly he had the election in the bag. I quizzed my whole grade and they all promised to vote for my brother.

The Sunday before election Monday I was all dressed up to go to town with my mom. She was going grocery shopping at Jack and Jill's. I had two kinds of clothes when I was little-my farm clothes and my leaving the farm clothes, aka my town clothes. For grocery shopping I put on my town clothes. I walked outside being really careful not to walk in any goose poop or let the dogs touch my clothes.

Danny came up behind me right before I was ready to leave and threw me in our kiddie pool. My town clothes were ruined. I started to cry. I ran inside to change into my farm clothes and I had to rush to town wearing those. I was so embarrassed.

The morning of the election I went to school and told Kristin what had happened. She was just as shocked as I was. We made a pact to not vote for Danny in the election. The election came and went. Danny was announced the winner.

That night at dinner Danny told my parents the results. "I won the election, everyone in the school voted for me, except for three people, the guy running against me, Molly and her best friend Kristin."

I could not believe someone had told him. I was embarrassed that he found out, but still mad about my town clothes. Throw me in the pool all you want, just check what clothes I have on.

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