Wednesday, January 5, 2011


By Mary

I grew up walking. We walked everywhere. We were always walking. We would purposefully go for a walk, but even when we didn't we were walking. We would walk out to the field to watch Dad mowing hay, plowing fields. When we got older we would walk out to relieve someone from baling hay or we walked out to watch them bale hay or we would just walk beside them and watch. We would walk out to the big woods to walk through the trees. We would walk up the hill to the sand pit to go swimming. We would walk to the sand pit to play in the sand to run down the hills. We would walk to the orchard to climb trees and pick apples it was the season. We would walk out to the pasture to check on the cows. We would walk out to the other pasture to check on the sheep. We would walk to the pasture to check on the horses. We would walk to the pasture to get the horses for farm work. We would walk to the neighbors to get the horses after they escaped. We would walk to the pasture to watch dogs being shot because they were going after the sheep. We would walk out to the pasture to bring the cows into the barn yard so one could be sold. We would walk to the nieghbors to deliver phone messages. We would walk out to the pasture to go sledding. We would walk out to the other pasture to go ice skating.

Now, I love to walk. I don't care if it's raining, snowing, freezing. I just want to get out and walk. It makes me thinks; it feels good. I walk to the grocery store, to the park, to friend's houses, around the block, but I miss the walks to the pasture, to the big woods, to the orchard, to the fields....

Walking out to the cow pasture to watch Dad & the neighbor mend the fence.


  1. I walk to work everyday and my co-workers think I am crazy. But it takes three songs on my i-pod and I am there. I do remember those puppies. We weren't allowed to walk in a certain area of the pasture for almost a year.

  2. Mary and Molly-You are talking about different dog incidents. When I was about seven two of Kaplan's german shepherds came over and killed a sheep. John Grobner shot both of them. Then Dad and he burred them in the field. A day later Kaplan's came over looking for the dogs and dad told then that he had not seen them. This occurred in the back sheep pasture.

    I believe Molly is referring to the mother and three puppies who were chasing sheep approximately eleven years later. They were our dogs. I came home in the fall during my freshman year in college and dad had me take them out in the pasture and shoot them. I believe I shot the mother and two puppies and let one live so there was still a dog on the place.
